BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:2 Day Safeguarding Supervision Course May UID:111 DESCRIPTION:2 Day Safeguarding Supervision Course  Do you provide safeguarding supervision as part of your role in sexual health and HIV? \n\nDo you want to be able to explore the following?What constitutes safeguarding reflective supervision\n\nHow to record safeguarding reflective supervision sessions\n\nDifference between 1-2-1, Ad Hoc and group supervision.\n\nSupport for supervisors and where to seek support\n\n \n\nLearning outcomes from this course: \n\nUnderstand the key principles and processes of safeguarding reflective supervision\n\nHave identified and practiced with a range of tools and methods including questioning styles for eliciting depth in reflective conversation\n\nHave identified and investigated their own role and orientation to reflective conversation\n\nHave identified enablers and barriers to safeguarding reflective supervision and planned their future actions in relation to these\n\nConsider the importance of creating a culture within safeguarding reflective supervision that is characterised by High Expectations, High Support, High Challenge\n\nDemonstrate the importance of SMART action plans and reviews to ensure positive changes for children, young people and vulnerable adults\n\nHave identified and considered the impact of this work on professionals\n\n \n\n \n\nBiography for Sue Howard - TrainerSue Howard is an independent trainer and consultant with significant experience in the field of safeguarding children and safeguarding adults at risk.  She is a retired police officer with many years’ experience of working within the public protection unit and managing family liaison officers involved with major crime. \n\nWhen Sue retired from the police service in 2011 after almost 30 years she worked for Rutland County Council for six years as an Early Help practitioner carrying a caseload, and also delivering training and supervising within safeguarding and Early Help teams.\n\nSue has now worked on a self-employed basis designing and delivering safeguarding, investigative skills and effective reflective skills training to local authorities and various organisations for the past 6 years.\n\n The day will be delivered on line via Zoom from 9.30 - 4.30 with a maximum cohort of 16.Programme to follow...\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n DTSTART:20250528T083000Z DTEND:20250529T153000Z LOCATION:Zoom END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR