BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:BASHH Fellowship Masterclass Series - Activating Local Communities UID:116 DESCRIPTION:To book for or join this event please use this link:\n\n\n\nBASHH are pleased to introduce a new series of masterclasses for BASHH Fellow Members in 2025. These are focused on supporting BASHH Fellows to navigate and respond strategically to some of the challenges they are facing as senior leaders in their sexual health services. \n\nThis panel of esteemed community representatives and activists will explore how to engage and foster strong relationships with the community for local advocacy. Drawing on experiences, panelists will talk about effective and meaningful engagement and tools to support collaboration and advocacy to achieve better for people in a local area.This webinar is pending accreditation from RCP.\n\nSpeakers:\nMark Santos\nMark Santos is the Executive Director of East London HIV Charity Positive East, a post he’s held for 20 years since the Charity formed. Positive East supports people living with HIV to live full & healthy lives, challenges HIV stigma, and works towards ending new transmissions of HIV.\n\nAlex Sparrowhawk\nAlex is Head of Services at George House Trust. Their in-clinic peer support; work with children and young people; and intensive support programme deliver high quality services thanks to effective partnerships with NHS services.\nAlex is PPI Lead on the NICHE research programme, a former member of the BASHH Public Panel, and past Chair of UK-CAB.\n\nJuddy Otti\nBiography pending\n\nFor any queries, please contact Lauren Newbery:\n\n \n\n DTSTART:20250506T160000Z DTEND:20250506T170000Z LOCATION:Zoom LOCATION: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR