BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Annual Conference 2017 UID:17 DESCRIPTION:The 2017 joint BASHH-SSSTDI conference was held at the Europa Hotel in Belfast from Sunday 18th June to Tuesday 20th June. Dr Say Quah, the local host, together with Dr Daniel Richardson and the BASHH conference team planned a fantastic educational and networking conference.\n\n \n\nYou can download a copy of the Abstract Book using the buttons belowbelow.\n\nAbstract Book Download        Abstract Slide Set Download\n\nThe conference posters will be displayed on the poster terminals in the Library Bar for the duration of the conference.\n\nConference Programme\n\nBASHH would like to thank everyone who attended and made it a resounding success.\n\nWe hope to see you at the joint BASHH/BHIVA Conference, 17th-20th April 2018, Edinburgh!\n\n DTSTART:20170618T080000Z DTEND:20170620T080000Z LOCATION:Europa Hotel, Great Victoria St, Belfast, BT2 7AP END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR