BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Joint BASHH & FSRH Virtual Conference 2022 UID:24 DESCRIPTION:\n\nWelcome to the 17th Annual Joint BASHH and FSRH Conference. Increased focus on sexual and reproductive healthcare has never been so important two years after COVID-19. With ‘the new normal’ still emerging, our conference will tackle the complex problems that have emerged from the pandemic – highlighting the increasing rates of sexually transmitted infections and the need to deliver contraceptive care to a diverse group of patients.\n\nThis is all within the context of a global pandemic which has added unprecedented pressure on NHS services and budgets. Sexual and reproductive healthcare needs to be accessible and individualised, and our services need to cater for everyone.\n\nOur 17th Annual Joint BASHH & FSRH Conference, held online on Zoom, brings together leading experts to explore challenges and clinical issues for all of our patients.\n\nNot available to attend on the day? Buy a ticket for a month’s access to all video content.\n\nIf you are unable to join us live, you can register and you'll be able to watch a recording on demand. All delegates will gain access to the event content afterwards for one month.\n\nTickets cost just £80 for FSRH/BASHH members, with concession rates available for nurses, trainees, foundation doctors and medical students. Please note we are unable to offer refunds on tickets purchased, unless in exceptional circumstances.\n\nProgramme\n\nOrganisers\n\nDr Kate Campbell, Community sexual and reproductive health ST5 traineeDr Chris Ward, Consultant Physician Genitourinary Medicine & BASHH Communications and conference Secretary \n\nDelegate Prices for Joint BASHH & FSRH Conference 2022\n\nBASHH/FSRH Member = £80\n\nConcessions for Nurses, trainee, foundation doctors & students = £50\n\nNon-Members = £95\n\nNon-member (Commercial) £130.00\n\n DTSTART:20220406T080000Z DTEND:20220406T160000Z LOCATION:Virtual END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR