BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Virtual Scientific Meeting - 14 October 2022 UID:29 DESCRIPTION:Organised by the Prison and HPV SIGs\n\n1300-1305: Welcome and educational objectives - Felicity Young and Dr Huda Fadzillah\n\n1305-1320: The lived experience – the patient’s perspective of a women’s prison and their journey - Sophie Strachan\n\n1320-1335: The lived experience – the patient’s perspective of a man’s prison and their journey - Pank Sethi\n\n1335-1345: Developing Sexual Health Services in mixed gender prison: A nurse initiative - Eleni Kousti\n\n1345-1355: BASHH – Update - Dr Katie Humphries & Dr Natasha Bell\n\n1355-1400: Closing Remarks - Dr Su Currie - Chair – BASHH Prison SIG\n\n1400-1415: Break\n\nHPV SIG\n\n1415-1430: Impact of vaccination programme on cervical and anal cancer - Dr Kate Soldan.  \n\n1430-1445: Upcoming changes to UK HPV vaccination - reduction in doses and introduction of Gardasil-9 - Dr Charles Lacey.  \n\n1445-1500: Update on new anogenital warts guidelines - Dr Diarmuid Nugent\n\n1500-1515: AIN treatment for MSM living with HIV - results from the ANCHOR study - Dr Jake Bayley\n\n1530: Close\n\n \n\nSpeaker Biographies\n\nFelicity Young & Dr Huda Fadzillah\n\nFelicity is a Consultant Nurse in Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare, based on the Isle of Wight. She provides in-reach Level 3 sexual health and HIV care to HMP Isle of Wight (Category B male prison). Felicity is currently undertaking research exploring the healthcare experiences of people in prison living with HIV.\n\nDr Huda is a GUM and HIV Consultant at Oxfordshire Sexual Health, Oxford University NHS Trust and TPD for GUM, Thames Valley.\n\nShe provides Level 3 sexual health and HIV care to HMP Bullingdon (Category B male prison) and HMP Huntercombe (Category C male prison foreign nationals).\n\nSophie Strachan\n\nSophie is a sexual health advisor at C+W hospital and CEO of The Sophia Forum a charity that supports women and girls living with and at risk of HIV. Her work over the last 2 decades has involved undertaking research on people living with HIV in prisons,  providing peer support to those incarcerated and supporting the writing of policies and strategic development with NICE and former Public Health England to improve the lived experiences of those in the criminal justice system around health.\n\nPank Sethi\n\nPank is an advocate for social change and prison reform, he is referred to as the leading expert on Education and Advocacy for HIV and Sexual Health Services across UK prisons.\n\nIn addition to being a THT positive voices speaker, workshop facilitator and the GMI Partnerships Manager for Positive East in the community he has also conducted workshops across the prison estate.\n\nHe is also a board member and trustee of the only charity that uses a peer led program to train prisoners who can read to teach those that can’t.\n\nEleni Kousti\n\nSexual Health Lead Nurse for HMP Peterborough, Littlehey and Whitemoor. Eleni currently is based in HMP PBO (Category B private prison for men, and a closed prison for women and female young offenders), developing Level 1&2 Sexual health services, with a special interest in education and training in sexual health and how to provide trauma informed services.\n\nDr Katie Humphries & Dr Natasha Bell\n\nKatie is a ST5 in GUM and HIV working in Chalmers Sexual Health Centre in Edinburgh.  She has been undertaking the BASHH Educational fellowship in researching sexual health provision in prisons and has an interest in redressing health inequalities.\n\nNatasha is an ST6 Registrar in GUM and HIV at St Mary's Hospital in London. She is currently undertaking research exploring the access to sexual health care available to people in prison and has a particular interest in complex contraception\n\nDr Susanna Currie\n\nDr Susanna Currie is a Consultant in GU Medicine & HIV in Cumbria.  Susanna is the Chair of the Prison SIG and has a special interest in tackling health inequalities\n\nDr Kate Soldan\n\nDr Soldan is a senior scientist at UKHSA and specialises in HPV and vaccination.  Dr Soldan uses national data to monitor prevalence of HPV, trends and effects of the national HPV vaccination program.\n\nDr Charles Lacey\n\nDr Lacey is a recently retired academic clinician in HIV/GU medicine, with infectious diseases and immunology interests. He was involved in HPV and other vaccine research including the pivotal HPV vaccine phase 3 trials, for > 30 years. Latterly he received grant support from the Welcome Trust, MRC, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, CRUK and EDCTP. Recent research projects include HPV vaccine one dose studies in Tanzania, anal cancer screening studies in the UK, Leishmania vaccine and immunology studies in East Africa, and the development of a Leishmania human challenge model in York.\n\nDr Diarmuid Nugent\n\nDr Nugent is a Consultant in Sexual Health and HIV at 56 Dean Street in central London.  He specialises in the treatment of GBMSM, PrEP and anal cancer surveillance.  He has a specialist interest in HPV and is currently the lead author of the new BASHH 'Anogenital warts' national guidelines.\n\nDr Jake Bayley\n\nDr Bayley is a Consultant in Sexual Health and HIV at Barts NHS Trust in East London.  He has a specialist interest in GBMSM health, PrEP delivery, digital health and anal cancer surveillance. He is the chair of the HPV Special Interest Group for BASHH.\n\n DTSTART:20221014T120000Z DTEND:20221014T143000Z LOCATION:Virtual END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR