BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:BASHH STI/HIV Modules 1 and 2 UID:67 DESCRIPTION:STI/HIV Course, Modules 1&2 Monday 13th – Friday 17th May 2024\n\nThe May course (Modules 1 and 2) will be running virtually using Zoom with well renown speakers from all over the UK. It is highly recommended for those who intend to sit the Diploma in GU Medicine and Diploma in HIV Medicine exams. It has been designed to cover the wider GU SpR curriculum with mapping of both the programme and e-lfh modules to this full curriculum.\n\nIt may therefore also be suitable for other trainees such as RSH trainees or other senior healthcare professionals who wish to further their professional development. It is modular, enabling applicants to attend some, or all of the modules.  \n\n• Module 1: Epidemiology of STIs and Bacterial Infections (Mon 13th - Thu 16th May)\n• Module 2: Sexual health and sexuality (Fri 17th May)\n\nPlease note : Modules 3 an 4 will run in November 2024\n\nDates & Times\n\nModules 1 & 2 will run from 13th - 17th May 2024\n\nFurther information, including programme's will be available soon.\n\nBASHH Member – Module 1 & 2 - £340\nBASHH Member – Module 1 - £255\nBASHH Member – Module 2 - £85\n \nNon Member – Module 1& 2 - £775\nNon Member – Module 1 - £620\nNon Member – Module 2 - £155\n\n \n\n \n\n DTSTART:20240513T080000Z DTEND:20240517T160000Z LOCATION:Held virtually on Zoom LOCATION: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR