Clinical Governance Committee
Clinical Governance Committee
- Dr Rona MacDonald - Chair
- Mr Hu Clarke - Secretary
- Dr Noel Connolly - Cheshire and Merseyside BC
- Dr Claudia Krause - East Anglia BC
- TBC - Northern BC
- Dr Say Quah - N Ireland BC
- Dr John Sweeney - NW BC
- Dr Angela Bailey - Oxford BC
- Dr Graham Leslie - Scotland BC
- Dr Fiona Fargie - SW BC
- Dr Rita Browne - Thames NE BC
- Dr Dawn Friday - Thames NW BC
- Dr Aseel Hegazi - Thames SE BC
- Dr Malika Mohabeer - Thames SW BC
- Dr Hayley Wood - Trent BC
- Dr Darren Cousins - Cymru BC
- Dr Sara Scofield - Wessex BC
- Dr Lisa Goodall - W Midlands BC
- Dr Emma Street - Yorkshire BC
- Dr David Brown - DIT
- Rep Mr Hu Clarke - HA rep
- Nathan Burley - Pharmacist rep
- Mr Alan Haskell - Nurse rep
- Dr Fahad Naser - SAS rep
Ex-officio members
- Matt Philips - President
- David Phillips - Vice President
- Ann Oliver - Treasurer
- Cara Saxon - General Secretary
- Chris Ward - Conferences and Communication
- Matthew Grundy Bowers - Education Committee
- Margaret Kingston - CEG
- Vanessa Apea - NAG
- David Phillips - Information group / Mentoring group
- Dawn Wilkinson - Clinical Standards Unit
- David Phillips - Web team
This committee consists of regional representatives from all of the branches in England, and a representative from the UK devolved nations: Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. In addition, there are professional group representatives from Nurses, Health Advisers, Pharmacists, Staff & Associate Specialists, and Doctors in Training. Other Groups within BASHH feed into this committee: The Clinical Effectiveness Group, the Clinical Standards Unit (CSU), the National Audit Group (NAG), and the BASHH/FSRH Integrated Information Group.
- To implement strategies and policies of BASHH as approved by the Governing Board
- To oversee, set and monitor standards and specifications relating to BASHH
- To identify areas of best clinical practice and promote their adoption whilst recognising local variation in capacity, infrastructure and policy
- To identify regional and individual clinic difficulties and support such services to explore solutions to issues, mobilise support and suggest action plans.
Significant activities / Outputs 2022-2023
- 3 virtual meetings and 1 face to face meeting during Spring Conference
- Supported BASHH Mpox response
- Ongoing input to National PGD
- Formalised roles and responsibilities for representatives
Future plans
- Develop new BASHH website to better support regional and national sharing of information.
- To support BASHH in assessing workforce numbers
- Support BASHH with promoting GU training and recruitment
- To support BASHH to lead on the development of coherent holistic sexual health strategies for all four nations in the UK