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Covid-19 Resources

Example Business Continuity Plans & Service Redesign

Pandemic Flu Contingency Plan: In 2007 Simon Barton and Jackie Sherrard authored a preparatory paper on contingency planning for out-patient GUM and HIV services in the context of pandemic flu. You may find the recommendations in this paper useful to support your own local service planning - DOWNLOAD HERE

Umbrella Sexual Health COVID-19 Planning Documents: Umbrella Sexual Health Service in Birmingham have kindly shared a number of very helpful COVID-19 contingency planning documents, available for all BASHH members to download below:

Umbrella COVID-19 Operational Plan – DOWNLOAD HERE

Umbrella COVID-19 Flowchart – DOWNLOAD HERE

Umbrella COVID-19 Phone Triage Form – DOWNLOAD HERE

Umbrella COVID-19 Clinician Note Form – DOWNLOAD HERE

Sexual Health South West London COVID-19 Pathways Document - DOWNLOAD HERE

Wycombe COVID-19 Clinic Guidance – DOWNLOAD HERE

Exemplar COVID-19 temporary in-house protocols: zip folder containing range of helpful COVID-19 protocol documents, from telephone triage advice, template patient letters, courier request forms and FP10 toolkits – DOWNLOAD HERE

Redesigning your services during Coronavirus Pandemic presentation– DOWNLOAD HERE

Sexual Health Services – Evaluation template – Tables – DOWNLOAD HERE


BASHH Clinical Advice & Sexual Health Guidance

COVID-19 and Treatment of Gonorrhoea: advice from the BASHH Guideline writing group on treating gonorrhoea with limited face to face services - DOWNLOAD HERE

Hepatitis B vaccination during COVID Response: A 1-page advice paper from Gary Brook on efficacy of single-dose hepatitis B vaccine as post-exposure prophylaxis - an interim measure during the Covid-19 epidemic – DOWNLOAD HERE

Advice on taking Oropharyngeal Swabs in Sexual Health Services – DOWNLOAD HERE

Use of Cryotherapy in Sexual Health Services – DOWNLOAD HERE

Safe Sex and COVID-19



Sex, COVID-19 and Social Distancing: HIV Scotland have helped to produce an extremely helpful resource providing advice and FAQs around COVID-19, sex and social distancing – DOWNLOAD HERE

BASHH Guidance on Sex, Social Distancing and COVID-19: Advice from BASHH on sexual contact, accessing sexual health services, HIV testing and care and sexual assault services – DOWNLOAD HERE


BASHH Surveys

BASHH Contact Tracing Capacity Survey – Interim analysis DOWNLOAD HERE

BASHH Contact Tracing Capacity Survey - Results Summary May 2020. DOWNLOAD HERE

BASHH COVID-19 Clinical Thermometer Survey - First Round Results Snapshot DOWNLOAD HERE

BASHH COVID-19 Clinical Thermometer Survey - Second Round Results Snapshot May 2020 DOWNLOAD HERE

BASHH COVID-19 Clinical Thermometer Survey - Second Round Interim Report 2020 DOWNLOAD HERE

BASHH COVID-19 Clinical Thermometer Survey - Third Round Results Snapshot September 2020 DOWNLOAD HERE

BASHH COVID-19 Clinical Thermometer Survey - Forth Round Results Snapshot February 2021 DOWNLOAD HERE

BASHH COVID-19 Clinical Thermometer Survey Snapshot – April 2020 DOWNLOAD HERE

BASHH COVID-19 Survey Snapshot – March 2020 DOWNLOAD HERE

BASHH COVID19 Survey Summary - Text Only March 2020 DOWNLOAD HERE


BASHH Membership Zoom Q&A and Video Conferences

BASHH Membership Zoom Call QA - Discussion Summary May 2020 DOWNLOAD HERE

BASHH Membership Zoom Call QA - Discussion Summary June 2020 DOWNLOAD HERE

BASHH Membership Zoom Call QA – Slides - July 2020 DOWNLOAD HERE

BASHH Membership Zoom Call QA - Discussion Summary July 2020 DOWNLOAD HERE

BASHH Membership Zoom Call QA - Discussion Summary Sept 2020 DOWNLOAD HERE


BASHH Membership Video Conference June 2020 DOWNLOAD HERE

BASHH Membership Video Conference July 2020 DOWNLOAD HERE


Resources for Telemedicine

Oxford Guidance on Tele-consultations DOWNLOAD HERE

TeleSexualHealth briefing paper DOWNLOAD HERE

Use of Tele-Medicine in SRH Resource Directory DOWNLOAD HERE

Principles of safe video consulting in General Practice May 2020 DOWNLOAD HERE

Burrell Street Pathway for COVID-19 telephone consultations March 2020 DOWNLOAD HERE


Example Policies, Procedures and other Tools

Posting FP10s guidance DOWNLOAD HERE

Organising courier of medicines for patients following virtual clinics DOWNLOAD HERE

Patient Group Direction management of delivering medication to patient DOWNLOAD HERE

Remote SRH Homeworking Consideration Planning HR issues DOWNLOAD HERE

Triage Integration Considerations and Methods to prioritise Vulnerable Groups DOWNLOAD HERE

Example Business Case for HIV Opt-out Testing in Emergency Dept. DOWNLOAD HERE

COVID Sexual Health Services HCP survey DOWNLOAD HERE

COVID Sexual Health Services patient follow-up questionnaire DOWNLOAD HERE


Resources for Vulnerable Groups

Guide for vulnerable London patients DOWNLOAD HERE

General guide for vulnerable patients DOWNLOAD HERE

How to register as an extremely vulnerable person - BHIVA Letter Template DOWNLOAD HERE

Immediate safety planning for survivors of domestic abuse: During self-isolation and extended lockdowns, there are specific risks for survivors of Domestic Abuse, particularly when they live with the perpetrator. This advice is to support staff and patient survivors in immediate safety planning and advises key considerations when conducting remote enquiry over the telephone. - DOWNLOAD HERE

Call Handling Tips for Maximising Risk Identification in Sexual Health Services DOWNLOAD HERE

PHE - Sexual and reproductive support for vulnerable individuals DOWNLOAD HERE

Downloadable PDF-Vulnerable Populations Presentation. DOWNLOAD HERE

Designing Triage with Focus on Prioritising Vulnerable Groups DOWNLOAD HERE


BASHH National & Strategic Response Documents

Immediate Response to COVID19 in Sexual Health and HIV Services - Comments Summary DOWNLOAD HERE

Pandemic COVID-19 Sexual Health Services Priorities December 2021 Update DOWNLOAD HERE

Principles for Recovery of Sexual Health – June 2020 DOWNLOAD HERE

COVID-19 Sexual Health Services Plan 1 page summary - DOWNLOAD HERE

UK Sexual Health Service Response to COVID-19 pandemic Presentation DOWNLOAD HERE

Sexual Health Service Recovery Survey - Summary June 2020 DOWNLOAD HERE

PHE Letter to Sexual Health Staff re Contact Tracing DOWNLOAD HERE

PHE Contact Tracing – personal specification DOWNLOAD HERE