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Clinical Effectiveness Group


The Clinical Effectiveness Group (CEG) was established jointly by the Medical Society for the Study of Venereal Diseases (MSSVD) and the Association for Genitourinary Medicine (AGUM) in October 1997.

The group is made up as follows:

  • Dr Ade Apoola
  • Dr Amy Evans
  • Dr Helen Fifer
  • Dr Sarah Flew
  • Ms Alison Grant
  • Dr Deepa Grover
  • Professor Margaret Kingston (Chair)
  • Dr Nick Medland
  • Dr Michael Rayment
  • Dr Cara Saxon
  • Dr Suneeta Soni
  • Dr Ann Sullivan
  • Dr Craig Tipple (Secretary)

The CEG commissions individuals or special interest groups to write the guidelines according to a process which since 2016 has been accredited by NICE and is updated and improved regularly; the current methodology is described in the CEG Framework for Guideline development published on the CEG website. All CEG guidelines are reviewed after a maximum of 5 years; and are discussed at every CEG meeting with either an interim or full review considered earlier when there have been significant developments. Each guideline being developed or revised has an allocated member of CEG to support the process and ensure consistency of methodology, content and style; when the guideline is ready for wider review it is posted on the BASHH website for two months and comments requested. The CEG has ultimate editorial responsibility for the guidelines. All authors with a significant contribution to the guideline will be recognised in the publication. The CEG seeks constantly to draw on a wide group of individuals to produce it's guidelines, and so the original author(s) may not always be involved in the production of revised guidelines. As it is the Clinical Effectiveness Group (CEG) that has been sanctioned to produce (by a standard NICE approved process involving evidence base and consultation) official national BASHH guidelines, any other guidance written by BASHH members should have the involvement of the CEG if these are to be deemed official national BASHH guidelines. The CEG would welcome at any time, comments on its output or suggestions for future work. If you wish to discuss a particular aspect of the guidelines with colleagues, please contact the CEG Chair, Prof Margaret Kingston;, for further information.

BASHH continues to finance the Group on a rolling annual basis.

The group liaises with the BASHH National Audit Group; BHIVA Audit Sub-Committee; BASHH Clinical Standards Unit; British National Formulary; FSRH Clinical Effectiveness Unit and the MHRA.

The CEG welcomes constructive comments on guidelines from the BASHH membership.