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BASHH ELECTIONS 2023 - Deadline Extended until Wednesday 25th October!

The completed nomination forms must be returned by 12 noon, Wednesday 25th October 2023

The completed nomination forms must be returned by 12 noon, Wednesday 25th October 2023

There are a number of posts on the BASHH Board and Clinical Governance Committee due for election to serve for 2 years from the AGM in January 2024. Please find attached the nomination forms for the available posts, which are as follows:-

Board Posts


Vice President

General Secretary


Conference and Communications Secretary

Clinical Governance Committee Chair

Education Committee Chair

 X4 Board Fellows  

Health Adviser representative to the BOARD

SAS Doctor representative to the BOARD

Clinical Governance Committee (CGC) Posts

Northern Ireland


North West



Thames North West

Thames South East

Thames South West

Health Adviser representative to the CGC 

Pharmacist Representative to the CGC 

Declarations of Interest

BASHH is Your Specialty Association It is largely run by Members and Fellows who offer their time, energy and expertise to keep BASHH intelligently developing, analysing and responding to the needs of all those interested in the specialty. BASHH must be relevant and responsive to the challenges we have been facing as regards national strategies, service provision, clinical guidelines and standards, provision of education and training, service innovation and digital health technologies. BASHH has strong links to partner organisations including, but not restricted to: FSRH, BHIVA, RCP, PHE, NAT – BASHH is in a strong position to influence and determine the future of our specialty. Therefore, please give some time to be an active contributor to your specialty society, and a good way may be to consider standing for these posts. We will deliver our objectives most effectively when we have a full complement of positions filled by enthusiastic members ready to contribute to the running of a great organisation.

The completed nomination forms must be returned by 12 noon, Wednesday 25th October 2023 to the BASHH Secretariat at the following address: The British Association for Sexual Health & HIV (BASHH) c/o Executive Business Support, City Wharf, Davidson Road, Lichfield, Staffordshire, WS14 9DZ. Please also forward an electronic copy to the BASHH secretariat at

Guidance for Board Posts Please submit a completed nomination form as well as a Trustee’s declaration form. If anyone would like further information about what these posts entail, please contact BASHH Secretariat or any of the other current post-holders.

The Trustee’s declaration form is needed because all elected posts on the Board will be Directors and Trustees of BASHH. Therefore, anyone applying for one of the Board posts needs to complete and return a Trustee’s declaration form with their nomination form. The duties of a Trustee are outlined in the document 'The Essential Trustee: what you need to know, what you need to do' (CC3). This document and further information is available on the Charity Commission website The Trustee’s declaration form can be obtained by contacting the BASHH office at or by telephoning them on +44(0)1543 442 190.

Guidance for the Clinical Governance Committee posts Please submit a completed nomination form. A Trustee’s declaration form is not required. If anyone would like further information about what these posts entail, please contact Dr Rona MacDonald or any of the other current post-holders.

Kind regards, Dr David Phillips General Secretary

BASHH ELECTIONS 2023 - Deadline Extended until Wednesday 25th October!