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BASHH dismayed by the anti-trans rhetoric

British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH) is dismayed by the anti-trans rhetoric that has been delivered by some members of the Conservative Party in recent weeks. All people should have equal and open access to healthcare, and we must remove barriers that already exist for trans and non-binary people. It is concerning that this reiteration needs to be made to senior government ministers. BASHH continues to work with all governmental and political parties to raise our concerns in the interest of this community. The trans and non-binary community have seen a rise in hate crime directed towards them and this inciteful language risks more harm to an already potentially vulnerable community. The inflammatory nature of the remarks made are not welcomed. BASHH celebrates the LGBTQ+ community and will continue to promote dignified and inclusive care. We are working with all political parties and LGBT political representative bodies so we can address these concerns together. Once again, we call on all people to promote care and kindness and to use their voice to support others

BASHH dismayed by the anti-trans rhetoric