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BHIVA, BASHH, NAT & UK-CAB statement on online access to GP health records in England

BHIVA, BASHH, NAT & UK-CAB statement on online access to GP health records in England

Please see the BHIVA, BASHH, NAT & UK-CAB statement on online access to GP health records... Read Article

UKHSA update: Change in reporting personally identifiable information on laboratory request forms for Monkeypox.

UKHSA update: Change in reporting personally identifiable information on laboratory request forms for Monkeypox.

Dear Colleagues Please see the below update from UKHSA and agreed with BASHH regarding the use of... Read Article

Monkeypox - displacement and impact of unfunded Monkeypox activity on Sexual Health services.

Monkeypox - displacement and impact of unfunded Monkeypox activity on Sexual Health services.

Dear Members,    As monkeypox cases thankfully decline, the pressures have not.  As... Read Article

BASHH elections 2022

BASHH elections 2022

  There are a number of posts on the BASHH Board and Clinical Governance Committee due for... Read Article



Dear Colleagues, Please click here to read a letter written by Clinical Research Fellows in... Read Article

BASHH formally endorses the People First Charter

BASHH formally endorses the People First Charter

The British Association of Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH) is delighted to announce its endorsement... Read Article