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News Archive – Blogging 4 BASHH

Standing Together Through It All

Standing Together Through It All

27th March 2020

Dear BASHH community These are quite simply unprecedented times, for the nation, our specialty... Read Article



As the new academic year starts, I’ve been reflecting on how I felt, 40 years ago, as I entered... Read Article

Hot! Hot! Hot!

Hot! Hot! Hot!

And that’s not just the weather. Whilst the UK basks in the glorious sunshine, experiencing the... Read Article



After the flurry of activity in my first 100 days, I am basking in May sunshine, following the... Read Article

My First 100 Days

My First 100 Days

Like all recent US Presidential terms of office, the BASHH presidential term starts in January.... Read Article

PrEP The Current State of Play

PrEP The Current State of Play

Welcome progress in Scotland and Wales It is both a pleasure and a relief to note that the... Read Article