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Education Committee

Education Committee


  • Mr Matthew Grundy- Bowers Chair
  • Dr Kanch Seneviratne Secretary
  • Ms Ceri Evans Health Advisor Representative
  • Dr Stuart Flanagan HIV/BBV SIG Chair
  • Dr Georgina Morris Dermatology SIG Chair
  • Dr Toni Masters Doctors In Training Representative
  • Dr John McSorley Public Health SIG Co-Chair
  • Dr Chris Ward BASHH Communication and Conference secretary
  • Dr Ngozi Dufty BASHH STI/HIV Course Director
  • Dr John Evans-Jones eHIV-STI Clinical Lead
  • Dr Jane Ashby Adolescent SIG Chair
  • Dr Catherine Chima-Okereke BHIVA/BASHH Mentoring Group Chairs
  • Prof Anna Maria Geretti Journal Editor (STI)
  • Dr Jake Bayley HPV SIG Chair
  • Dr Shalini Andrews. Sexual Dysfunction SIG Chair
  • Dr Sarah Edwards and Jodie Crossman STI Foundation Committee Co-Chairs
  • Dr John Saunders and Dr Suneeta Soni Bacterial SIG Co-Chairs
  • Dr Lewis Lau SAS Group Representative
  • Dr David Phillips BASHH Vice President
  • Dr Sally Jewsbury GSM SIG
  • Dr Emily Clarke - HSV SIG Chair
  • Dr Raj Patel-  RCP CPD Representative
  • Prof Matt Phillips BASHH Treasurer
  • Dr Luciana Rubinstein IFSHE chair
  • Dr Cara Saxon BASHH General Secretary
  • Ms Belinda Loftus SHAN SIG Chair
  • Dr Deb Wardle Sexual Violence SIG Chair
  • Dr Mike Rayment Journal Editor (Int Journal of STD & AIDS)
  • Prof Matt Phillips BASHH President

The Education Committee is responsible for facilitating the delivery of the BASHH’s vision, values and service priorities through education, training and development. The Educational committee (EC) and Special Interest Groups (SIGs) develop and maintain educational programmes providing high levels of specialist training and skill, whilst embracing a wider, more integrated sexual health remit across a wide geographical area and range of healthcare settings. The COVID pandemic brought new challenges in delivering education and training and our members have continued to adapt to teaching online ensuring that events are interactive and inclusive. We have held more in person events again this year (albeit affected by rail strikes in some cases!) as well as hybrid events while recognising the benefits in terms of accessibility of virtual meetings.

The Special interest groups (SIGs)

The SIGs lead on the development of educational materials and meetings within their specialist areas. They develop and deliver educational programmes and courses. They also contribute to education and training by generating publications and research, developing guidelines and recommendations in collaboration with other BASHH groups and external organisations, and reviewing and responding to documents on behalf of BASHH. Individual reports detailing specific contributions are available within the BASHH Annual Review. This year the SIGs provided several well-established courses online, hybrid and in person such as Genital dermatology, SAS Doctors conference, HIV masterclasses and the Diplomas in GUM and HIV revision courses. The Gender and Sexual Minorities SIG has been re-established in the past year and has already led a symposium at the spring conference and has great plans for future projects and educational events. Dr Ellie Crook has continued to lead the Student and Trainee Association for Sexual Health and HIV to great achievement and has handed over the reigns Dr Ellie Cochrane as Ellie Crook is now a consultant. STASHH was formed to improve recruitment to Sexual Health & HIV medicine by facilitating clinical & academic opportunities for medical students & Pre-specialty Trainees. They have membership from the majority of medical schools and deaneries and put on monthly webinars and also contributed to the Spring conference.

BASHH scientific meetings

The EC has the responsibility of providing regular Scientific meetings, which are free to BASHH Members. SIGs take it in turn to organise these meetings and they often take a two-part structure, organised by two individual SIGs. They have mostly been held virtually over the past year with one hybrid meeting in March with excellent attendance figures and good audience participation via chat. October 2022 saw the prison SIG lead the virtual BSM for the first time in a few years, presenting work done by the BASHH educational fellows and with moving and inspiring testimony from prison SIG members with lived experience of prison healthcare. The HPV SIG also presented new BASHH wart guidelines. The January meeting was led by the RMC SIG for the first time as well the HSV SIG. March saw our second hybrid BSM with the newly renamed Sexual Function and Wellbeing SIG and Adolescent SIG informing and entertaining audiences both at the Royal Society of Medicine and many more around the UK and beyond on Zoom. It was an honor and a delight to have Prof Rak Nandwani in person to receive his Honorary Life Fellowship and inspire us with his tales of a life in GUM. Podcasts/webcasts of the lectures are available on the BASHH website for members to access in their own time if they were unable to attend the meeting.

Scholarships, Fellowships and Travel awards

The Education Committee has secured BASHH funding for a remunerated fellowship for the coming year to ensure equity of access for all BASHH members and we look forward to appointing this fellow in the near future. The Undergraduate Essay prize winners in 2023 were Rebecca Coltart (University of Glasgow) for her essay 'How many Sandyford HIV PrEP patients will require TAF-based PrEP according to draft BASHH/BHIVA guidelines?' and Aishah Hagan-Bezgin (University of Liverpool for her entry 'Preterm Birth in Pregnant Women Living with HIV: The Role of Neutrophils'. We look forward to ever more informative and inspiring educational events in 2023-4 be they virtual, in person or hybrid.

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Matthew Grundy-Bowers


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Sophie Forsyth


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Kanch Seneviratne


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Ceri Evans

Health Advisor Representative

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Stuart Flanagan


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Georgina Morris

Dermatology SIG Chair

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Toni Masters

Doctors in Training Representative

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John McSorley

Public Health SIG Co-Chair

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Chris Ward

BASHH Communication and Conference Secretary

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Ngozi Dufty

BASHH STI/HIV Course Director

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John Evans-Jones

eHIV-STI Clinical Lead

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Jane Ashby

Adolescent SIG Chair

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Catherine Chima-Okereke

BHIVA/BASHH Mentoring Group Chairs

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Anna Maria Geretti

Journal Editor (STI)

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Jake Bayley


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Shalini Andrews

Sexual Dysfunction SIG Chair

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Sarah Edwards

STI Foundation Committee Co-Chair

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Jodie Crossman

STI Foundation Committee Co-Chair

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John Saunders

Bacterial SIG Co-Chair

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Suneeta Soni

Bacterial SIG Co-Chair

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Lewis Lau

SAS Group Representative

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Kaveh Manavi

BASHH Vice President

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Sally Jewsbury


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Rajul Patel

HSV SIG Co-Chair and RCP CPD Representative

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Matthew Phillips

BASHH Treasurer

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Luciana Rubinstein


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David Phillips

BASHH General Secretary

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Belinda Young (Loftus)


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Deborah Wardle

Sexual Violence SIG Chair

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Michael Rayment

Journal Editor (Int Journal of STD & AIDS)

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Claire Dewsnap

BASHH President

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Back to Members Documents

Name / Download Date
Education Committee Terms of Reference 27 February 2024
Top Tips for running an Online Course 27 February 2024

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