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Associated Organisations

Associated Organisations

The Society has representation on the following committees and groups:

  • Sexually Transmitted Infection Research Foundation (STIRF) 
  • Specialist Advisory Committee (SAC)
  • Royal College of Physicians' Committee on Genitourinary Medicine
  • British Federation against Sexually Transmitted Diseases (BFSTD)
  • BMA Dermatovenereology Sub-committee
  • Continuing Professional Development (Course in GU/HIV/AIDS)
  • STI Foundation Course (STIF)
  • Federation of Infection Societies (FIS)
  • Union of European Medical Specialties (UEMS)
  • European Academy of Dermatovenereology (EADV)

Sexually Transmitted Infection Research Foundation (STIRF) 

The Sexually Transmitted Infection Research Foundation (STIRF) was set up in 2003 by a group of interested clinicians and scientists to increase research opportunities.

Given the limited research opportunities, those that do exist are mainly in London and the South East. However, there is a huge amount of talent working in other parts of the country in universities, departments of sexual health, departments of infection and immunity, and departments of public health. There is a lot of talent starved of funds. STIRF aims to provide opportunities to make the best use of this talent.

STIRF aims to provide funding to initiate high quality research in all aspects of sexual health, so that researchers get the chance to show that their ideas work and allow them to approach bigger funding units such as the Medical Research Council and the Wellcome Trust to develop their projects.

We believe that STIRF will be able to kick-start important research into aspects of healthcare delivery, and more basic research into the way micro-organisms and viruses can affect sexual health and the overall health of individuals.

We will make sure that all research funded by us is sound – it will be peer-reviewed by experts in the field. We will also ensure that funding is well spent by insisting on regular progress  reports. And we will ensure that any findings are made known as widely as possible – nationally and internationally – so they have the biggest impact on patients.

We are a Registered Charity Number 1075316

STIRF will provide funds for up to £60,000 payable over two years subject to satisfactory progress.

Specialist Advisory Committee (SAC)

The GUM SAC is a sub-committee of the JRCPTB. The role of this committee is to contribute to the development of specialist training policy in GUM, and to advise on the delivery of training to standards proposed by the JRCPTB (and approved by the GMC) in a number of key areas:

  • To write, monitor and update the specialty training curriculum (in line with GMC standards and with GMC sign-off) and taking account of developments in the specialty and the needs of patients, the service, trainees and trainers.
  • To set the standards for medical training and assessment in the specialty.
  • To participate in the CCT process by enrolling and supporting trainees, monitoring their progress, processing requests for Out of Programme Experience, including research and making recommendations to the GMC for the award of CCT/CESR.
  • To contribute to the quality management of postgraduate training, liaising between Deaneries and Royal Colleges and facilitating the provision of external advice for training programmes.
  • To provide an annual specialty report (ASR) to the GMC, including a summary of notable practice and key issues, based on examination results, external reports and specialty reports from Heads of School.
  • To work closely with other organisations (Specialist Societies, Deaneries and Royal Colleges) in relation to training issues and workforce.
  • To contribute to recruitment to the specialty, using fair, transparent and consistent methods.

Dr Andy Williams & Dr Sarah Schoeman: Chairs of Specialist Advisory Committee in GUM – &

SAC Administrator: TBC

BASHH Trainee Rep: Dr Lindsay Henderson –

BHIVA Trainee Rep & Academic Trainee Rep: Dr Manik Kohli –

JRCPTB Office (GU Medicine Section)
5 St. Andrews Place
Regent's Park
London NW1 4LE
Tel: 020 7935 1174 ext. 284
Fax: 020 7486 4160

SAC Newsletter

There are regular SAC newsletters published by the JCHMT. These can be found by clicking here

Joint Speciality Committee for Genitourinary Medicine, Royal College of Physicians


  • To advise the College on matters of policy pertaining to the specialty.
  • To co-ordinate the College policies with those of the relevant specialist society(ies).
  • To advise the College Manpower Committee on specialty manpower.
  • To co-ordinate service needs and training with the relevant SAC.
  • To co-ordinate policies with the appropriate specialist society(ies).
  • To advise (via a sub-committee) Council on nominations for the Fellowship.


  • To the Clinical Board once a year.
  • To the President on matters requiring urgent attention.
  • To specialist society(ies) - through (a) rapporteur(s).

Nominees of specialist societies; representative of the relevant Specialist Advisory Committee x 1; observer from DoH x 1; President, Registrar and College Secretary (ex officio); Association of Genitourinary Medicine x 1; Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists x 1; Standing Committee of Members x 1; FPHM x 1; Paediatrician x 1

Four years for Officers and Members, further four years if a Member becomes an Officer. Terms of Chairman and Honorary Secretary to overlap. College nominees to include non-specialist and, where appropriate, a paediatrician and trainee nominated by the Standing Committee of Members (not to exceed five in total other than Chairman and Honorary Secretary).

BASHH representatives
Nomination: the President after appropriate consultation.
Feedback: annually at January Council meeting.

Chairman - R N Thin

Chair of SAC from June 2001 - J Wilson

Secretary - K E Rogstad

BASHH President - A Robinson

Chairman of AGUM - J S Bingham

Chairman of SAC to June 2001 - C Lacey

RCP Member New Consultants Committee - G Rooney

Junior Doctors Representative - A Tariq

Scottish Representative - G Scott

British Federation against Sexually Transmitted Diseases (BFSTD)

BFSTD is an umbrella group for many organisations. It is multidisciplinary with a healthy mix of skills between medical and other professional groups.

BASHH representatives
Nomination: By invitation of the Chair of the Steering Committee in discussion with the President and approved by Council.
Term of office: three years.
Feedback: annually at January Council meeting

Name / Nominating body

Mr Paul Hayton (Chairman) - Home Office- Prison Service

Dr Jean Tobin (Secretary) - British Medical Association

Dr A J Robinson (Treasurer) - BASHH

Dr Peter Watson - Association for Genitourinary Medicine

Revd Stephen Coles (Vice-Chairman) - The Church

Mr John Ford - Department of Education and Employment

Dr Sally Wellsteed - Department of Health

Dr Helen Ward - FPHM

Dr M FitzGerald - Co-opted

Miss Angela Reynolds - Family Planning Association

Dr Philippa Matthews - RCGP

Miss Linda Tucker - Genito-Urinary Nurses Association

Miss Marie Goldsmith - Health Education Authority

Mrs Helen Self - Josephine Butler Society

Ms Rosamund Cawte - National Council of Women

Ms Kath Wilson - National Health Eds Liaison Group

Dr R N Thin - Royal Army Medical Corps

Dr Patricia Munday - Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists

Ms Jo Adams - SASH

Mr Peter Greenhouse - SASH

Ms Ceri Evans - SHASTD

Miss Robin Gorna - THT

Miss S Hall - Youth Workers

Continuing Professional Development

Organisation of the Course in GU Medicine/HIV/AIDS.

Twice yearly course, run in modular format. Previously organised by the London University Centre for professional development until June 2000, subsequently run by BASHH.

Educational objectives
Knowledge of current practice of GU medicine, sexual health, sexually transmitted infections, HIV infection and related areas, focussing particularly on practise in the UK, but within the context of the worldwide epidemic of STIs.

Participants: 25-28 per course. Approximately 60 participants per year.

The steering group consists of the day organisers, and representatives of other organisations/groups as listed.

Name / Position

Dr. E Allason Jones: Day organiser
Dr. B Morgan: NCCG representative
Dr. J Bingham: Day organiser, AGUM rep.
Dr. P Munday: Past chairman (2000)
Dr. G Dean: Doctors in Training
Dr. R Patel: Day organiser
Dr. G Forster: Day organiser
Dr. A Robinson: Day organiser
Dr. B T Goh: Day organiser
Dr. D Rowan: Day organiser
Dr. D Hawkins: Day organiser
Dr. J Sherrard: Day organiser, Chairman from 2000
Dr. C Lacey: SAC rep.
Dr. M Tennant Flowers: Day organiser
Dr. A de Ruiter: Day organiser
Dr. I Williams: Day Organiser

STI Foundation Course

To develop the structure and content of a sexually transmitted infection foundation course suitable for level 1 practitioners. In the future, the Steering Group will need to expand and change to monitor the contents of the course on a regular basis and implement a process of externally assessing courses.Membership

  • Jackie Sherrard
  • George Kinghorn
  • Angela Robinson
  • Raj Patel
  • Chris Wilkinson
  • Judy Shakespeare (Primary Care Representative)
  • Other individuals have been co-opted as necessary

BMA Dermatovenereology Sub-Committee

A group promoting the advancement of the study and practice of venereology and dermatology. Each specialty has a Sub-committee which discusses issues important to that specialty and can submit items for consideration to CCSC.

BASHH representative
Nomination: President after appropriate consultation - usually Honorary Secretary.
Feedback: annually at November Meeting.

Name  / Nominating body / Co-opted members
Dr P Hawker Chairman CCSC, or nominee Dr J R W Harris
Dr L Millard CCSC, Dermatology Dr B Roger-Allen (DoH Adviser)
Dr M Pike CCSC, Dermatology
Dr M Bhattacharya CCSC, GU Medicine
Dr R N Thin CCSC, GU Medicine
Dr L Millard BAD
Dr C Holden BAD
Dr J S Bingham (Deputy-Chairman) BASHH (formerly AGUM)
Dr A J Robinson BASHH (formerly MSSVD)
Dr K Radcliffe RCP
Vacancy, Senior Registrar JDC
Dr J Morgan CCSC, NCCG Sub-committee

Federation of Infection Societies (FIS)

FIS provides an umbrella organisation for a group of societies with diverse interests within clinical microbiology. The organisation exists to encourage cross-fertilisation of ideas and research among affiliate societies via an annual conference. There are 14 affiliated societies as follows:

  • Association of medical Microbiologists;
  • British Infection Society;
  • British Paediatric Immunology and Infectious Diseases Group;
  • British Society of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy;
  • British Society of Medical Mycology;
  • British Society of Parasitology;
  • Central Sterilising Club;
  • Hospital Infection Society;
  • Infection Control Nurses' Association of the British Isles;
  • BASHH;
  • Pathological Society of Great Britain (Ireland Microbiology Division);
  • Public Health Medicine Environment Group;
  • Royal Institute of Public Health & Hygiene/Society of Public Health;
  • The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene.

Union of European Medical Specialties (UEMS)

This is an organisation led from Brussels which is made up of Specialty Committees. The major remits are training and CME, particularly the harmonisation of guidelines. Visitations, similar to SAC visits, are also undertaken. These are advisory rather than executive committees but do have considerable power.

Delegate and observer from each country for each specialty committee. For Dermatovenereology there is one delegate from BASHH and one from BAD with no observers to ensure representation from all countries. The representatives need to be senior, from all countries with a comprehension of the European medical system and skills of negotiation!

Specialty representative
Dr D Barlow (also Treasurer from 1998)

Nomination: placement made by Registrar of RCP after discussion with BMA.
Term of Office: variable, up to eight or ten years.
Feedback: annually at October meeting.

European Academy of Dermatovenereology (EADV)

EADV Board
Consisting of Specialist members drawn from EU member countries. Has a Venereology representative from UK with a 4-year term of office, renewable.

BASHH representative: Dr S Barton
Nomination: invited by EADV Board personally; ratified by Council.
Feedback: no precedent.

EADV Conference 2005
The EADV Conference being held in London, 12-16 October 2005. More details can be found on the EADV website.
The BASHH Board has elected to offer a scholarship of 120 Euros for all BASHH members who are successful in having an abstract accepted for the meeting as either a poster or an oral presentation. The letter outlining this scholarship can be accessed here.

EADV Residents Courses 2005-06
The EADV has organised a numbers of dermatology courses, one of which is to be held in London, 9-11th October 2005. Click here to check out the flyer for contact details.

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