Home Professionals Branches Scottish Branch Scottish Branch Scottish Branch Officers Branch Chair - Dr Graham Leslie, NHS Tayside, graham.leslie@nhs.scot Branch Secretary- Rebecca Gilson, rebecca.gilson@nhs.scot Audit Lead - Dr Rebecca Metcalfe, Greater Glasgow and Clyde - rebecca.metcalfe@ggc.scot.nhs.uk NCCG Rep - Dr Syed AliAkbar, NHS Forth Valley: syed.aliakbar@nhs.scot Nurse Rep - vacant SHA rep - vacant post – contact Chair/secretary if interested Trainee rep - Dr Lindsay Henderson, Greater Glasgow and Clyde: Lindsay.Henderson@ggc.scot.nhs.uk For local educational news and events go to service websites: West of Scotland sexual health Managed Clinical Network: https://www.wossexualhealthmcn.org.uk/west-of-scotland-managed-clinical-network Glasgow HIV service: https://www.brownleehiv.org Sandyford: https://www.sandyford.org NHS Grampian: www.grampiansexualhealthservices.com NHS Highland: www.highlandsexualhealth.com Members Graham LeslieCommittee ChairView Profile Rebecca GilsonSecretaryView Profile My Branches If you are member of any branches, please log in to view them