Herpes Simplex Advisory Panel SIG
Herpes Simplex Advisory Panel SIG
The objectives of the Panel are:
- To provide expert input into HSV management guidelines, education programs and educational materials
- The SIG meets infrequently and completes its tasks principally through Teleconferences.
- During the last year members of the SIG contributed to updating the e-LfH genital ulceration modules
- The SIG is planning an OSM (Spring 2023)
- Members continue to deliver the BASHH Advanced STI HSV course
- The Herpes in Pregnancy Guideline (Joint Guideline with the RCOG) is currently being updated (2023)
- The BASHH Guideline on the Management of Genital Herpes(2023) has been completed
- Members are working on the IUSTI GH Guideline 2023
- Members completed a mystery shopping audit of access of patients to services with initial episode GH (presented BASHH 2022)