- Dr David Phillips Co-chair BASHH
- Dr Evelyn Kerr Co-chair FRSH
- Dr Jonathan Shaw BASHH Rep. & EPR lead
- Dr Nathan Acladius FSRH Rep.
- Dr Darren Cousins BASHH Rep. Wales
- Mr Howard Gees BASHH Rep.
- Dr Susannah Hall F SRH Rep.
- Dr Asha Kasliwal FSRH Rep.
- Dr Usha Kumar FSRH Rep.
- Dr Rona MacDonald BASHH Rep. Scotland
- Dr Anatole Menon-Johansson BASHH Rep.
- Dr Achyuta Nori BASHH Rep.
- Mr Cuong Chau UKHSA HARS
- Dr Hamish Mohammed UKHSA GUMCAD
- Mr Stephen Duffell UKHSA GUMCAD
- Ms Kate Thurland UKHSA
- Ms Helen Leake UKHSA
- Ms Helena Andrews OHID
- Ms Judith Ellison HSCIC
- Ms Sarah Freeman HSCIC
- Ms Kate Jervis Brook
- Mr Charles Hewitt Pathway Analytics
- Observers from software companies
- Ms Shafeda Mohammed RIOMED
- Mr Thiyagarajan Jayaraman IMS
- Mr Iain Galloway IDCapture
- Mr Andrew Denman Inform Health
- Ms Cathy Butler IDOX
- Mr Colin Kowlessar RIOMED
- Ms Liz Lovell IMS
Membership and Terms of Reference
Since the group became the joint BASHH/FSRH Integrated Information Group in 2013, it has met on 3 occasions and plans to meet approximately three- four times a year.
- To recommend strategies for IT implementation, data collection and reporting for the spectrum of Sexual Health services (ranging from non-integrated services to fully integrated services).
- To advise on the type, quality and format of information to be collected from Sexual Health services for the purposes of national audit, public health monitoring and monitoring of service performance.
- To respond to relevant consultations affecting service provision and data collection in Sexual Health.
- To liaise between DH, HSCIC, PHE and other agencies regarding information issues to achieve best outcomes for both patient and public health.
- To receive and respond to queries and concerns from members relating to IT and Information Governance, including data protection and confidentiality rules.
- To anticipate problems relating to IT and Information Governance from new legislation, commissioning or other changes that affect Sexual Health.
- To disseminate important information to BASHH/Faculty members via organisational websites/newsletters.
Matters discussed
The group has looked at a wide range of issues affecting Sexual Health Services in England, Scotland and Wales. These include matters arising from proposed coding changes for SRHAD and SHHAPT, GUMCAD-3, the BASHH Sexual History Taking Guidelines, issues of data linkage and the chapter on confidentiality in the revised Standards for the Management of STIs. The group welcomes enquiries and items for consideration from members of either BASHH or FSRH.
David Phillips - david.phillips7@nhs.net
Asha Kasliwal - asha.kasliwal@cmft.nhs.uk
BASHH British Association of Sexual Health and HIV
DH Department of Health
FSRH Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare
HPA Health Protection Agency
HSCIC Health and Social Care Information Centre
PHE Public Health England
SRHAD Sexual Health Activity Dataset
SHHAPT Sexual health and HIV Activity Property type